In this workshop students will learn the basics of how to decorate vegetable tanned leather with carving techniques. We will be making and coloring a formed coin pouch, finished and assembled with traditional edge braiding or stitching.
Leathercraft is an ancient craft used for many different functional and decorational purposes. The combination of a beautiful product of nature; vegetable tanned leather and many versatile techniques will let you make anything you desire by hand. With the right knowledge and tools there are no boundaries in creativity and creation.
Danielle Roossien (The Netherlands) has been a natural handworker since childhood. After working with many different materials and techniques she finally found here love and passion in leathercrafting 10 years ago. She travelled the world to learn from the masters face to face and started her own company in custom leather work and demonstrating the craft. Now her company Epic Leather is mainly focussed on teaching to preserve the craft of traditional leather work. Therefore she recently developed her own year-course in collaboration with Leervakwerk in The Netherlands, after which the participants will have a complete skillset to work with on their own. To provide leatherworkers with the right materials and tools, last year she started an international Trade Show in Arnhem The Netherlands in collaboration with The Leathercrafters and Saddlers Journal.