KoKo NYC is an arts-based science and engineering program for kids. The use of repurposed materials as the foundation of KoKo’s building supplies engenders environmental awareness as well as a spirit of innovation. Students learn to make art from their environment, to see “trash” as an opportunity to create something new.
In this workshop, teaching artists from Koko NYC will help guide and encourage participants as they choose recyclables such as plastic bottles, cardboard and paper to create sculptures that, when combined with simple electronics, come to life and light up, twist, turn, buzz, blink, and shake! Through the process of designing and building, kids will experience the practical and cultural possibilities of new inventions! Participants will power their inventions with their own muscles by creating green energy with a bicycle generator!
While this workshop is happening, Koko NYC will also offer a free opportunity for kids and interested adults to try their hand at tiny house building in the courtyard!